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As observed in the climographs Mayo, YT and Barcelona, ES have differing climatic behavior. Mayo is classified as a dry, subarctic, taiga climate (Dfc) and experiences long, dry, severe winters, mild summers, and a large annual temperature range. Barcelona is classifiedas a warm, temperate, subtropical, Mediterranean climate (Csa) and experiences mild humid winter, dry hot summers, and a small annual temperature range.
Graphic Source: Graphs made by Qwyla Foutch. Data Source: World Weather Information:Spain.Accessed: 2011 DEC 7. http://www.worldweather.org/083/c01232.htm. Environment Canada. Canadian Climate Normals 1971–2000 Accessed: 2011 DEC 7.
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Different climatic controls are acting upon the region that result in the contrast in climatological behavior. The primary climatic control is the difference in location. Mayo is located within the interior, on the northwestern side of the North American continent at a near arctic latitude. Barcelona is located midlatitude, on the eastern coast of the southwestern side of the European continent. Mayo’s extreme weather and large annual temperature range exemplifies continental climatology whereas Barcelona's mild weather and smaller annual temperature range portray maritime climatology. Graphic Source: Peel, M. C. and Finlayson, B. L. and McMahon, T. A. (2007). "Updated world map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification". Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 11: 1633-1644. ISSN 1027-56EDITED/ACCESSED: 2011 DEC 8.
The second contrasting climatic factors are pressure and wind systems. Mayo is effected primarily by the polar easterlies and experiences strong, stable pressure ridges in the winter and weak, unstable pressure troughs during the summer. Barcelona is effected by the Westerlies, and experiences midlatitude cyclonic activity during the winter as cP/mP air interacts with mT air masses. During the summer in Barcelona mT air masses dominate and the presence of a subtropical pressure ridge brings stable, drought like conditions. Overall Mayo is dry in the winter and wet during the summer; Barcelona climate is the opposite with very wet, mild winters and drier, mild summers.
Satellite Graphic Sources: intellicast.com. Infrared Satellited: Barcelona, ES. http://www.intellicast.com/Global/
Accessed: 2011 DEC 8; Satellite Images: Yukon.
Environment Canada.

The final contrasting climatic factors are proximity to mountains/highlands, water, and urban heat island effects. Mayo Village's regional topography is full of alternating highland and valleys, with close proximity to mountain ranges. Mayo’s dry, cold climate is enhanced by orographic blocking and cold ponding.
Barcelona is located on the coast of the Mediterranean sea and its climate, while effected by orographic blocking, is not dominated by effects of northern mountain ranges. Instead, unlike Mayo Village, the moderating effects of the Mediterranean Sea, keep temperatures comfortable both summer and winter in Barcelona.
Barcelona is a highly populated, coastal city in Spain and it's local climate has been influenced by vegetation changes/disruptions, large buildings, and/or increased atmospheric pollutants that all lead to an urban heat island effect. Mayo is a fairly isolated village with no large buildings or major sources of atmospheric pollution and does not experience urban heat island effects of local climate.
Graphic Sources: Kookynet.net. Canada: The Yukon and A Short Trip Through NW Territories AUG/SEPT. http://www.kookynet.net/23-yukon-nwt.html Accessed: 2011 DEC 8.
CORFU. Barcelona, Spain. http://www.corfufp7.eu/home/page2890.html. Accessed: 2011 DEC 8.
Additional Sources:
Grue, NW. Barcelona Weather and Climate Blog. Last Updated: 2011 DEC 6. http://barclimate.blogspot.com/ Accessed: 2011 DEC
Ritter, Michael E. The Physical Environment: an Introduction to Physical Geography.
2006. Date visited. http://www.uwsp.edu/geo/faculty/ritter/geog101/textbook
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